Attorney Shuman's accomplishments on behalf of his clients have been widely reported in the media. Robert Shuman is well-recognized in the legal community and has regularly been called upon to provide legal commentary.
Failure to Diagnose Colon Cancer Results in $1.4 Million Settlement — Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — 35 M.L.W. 4142, in which Attorney Shuman's settlement on behalf of a 46-year-old mother whose colon cancer went undiagnosed due to an incompletely performed colonoscopy was spotlighted.
Med Mal Case Settles for $1 Million With Discovery Master's Aid - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — in which Attorney Shuman's settlement with the assistance of a discovery master was reported on the front page of Lawyers Weekly in the "Trial Report Plus" section.
Hemorrhage of Man With "Worst Headache" — Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — 26 M.L.W. 1119 — spotlighting Attorney Shuman's settlement in the amount of $1 million on behalf of a 52-year-old man who suffered a stroke due to failure to diagnose a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Failure to Diagnose Cases Are on the Rise — Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — Vol. 35, No. 9 — in which Attorney Shuman was interviewed and noted as one of two attorneys who are "frequently involved in significant verdicts or settlements for failure to diagnose medical problems."
Osteosarcoma Goes Undetected Spreads to Lungs — Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — October 6, 2003 — spotlighting Attorney Shuman's $775,000 settlement on behalf of a 58-year-old plaintiff whose osteosarcoma was misdiagnosed.
The Problem With Medical Malpractice Tribunals — Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — 35 M.L.W. 5428, in which Attorney Shuman was interviewed for commentary regarding the controversy regarding Medical Malpractice Tribunals in Massachusetts.
Paying Attention to Mandatory CLE — Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly — in which Attorney Shuman was the lead attorney interviewed regarding the need for compulsory legal education in Massachusetts.
Williams Pushing for Creation of Night Court — Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly — Vol. 22, No. 20 — in which Attorney Shuman was interviewed regarding a pilot project conceived by Chief Justice Frank J. Williams of the Rhode Island Supreme Court